プレスリリースのお知らせPress Release


Mobile GNSS Field Data set

移動体GNSSデータ取得Mobile GNSS Data Acquisition.


RTK測位のトレーニングTraining on RTK positioning

センチメーターレベルの精密な測位を実現したいというお問い合わせや、実現 可能性調査のコンサルティングをご依頼いただくことがあります。

We sometimes receive offers for consultations to realize centimeter-level precise positioning, and to investigate the possibility to realization.

公益財団法人みちのく未来基金へ、寄付をいたしました。Donation to "Michinoku Future Fund".


"Michinoku Future Fund" is a fund to help children who have lost their parents in the East Japan Earthquake, to proceed to college and university after high-school. The fund supports their tuition (up to 3 million Yen annually) without the need to return.

ホームページを更新しました。We have renewed our company's website.


We introduce the specifics of our system engineering and our policy, as well as our original products and services that we seek to release soon. Be sure to check it out.